Simplify your data preparation and mailing operations.

(Without new hardware & software)

Mailing is hard, we’re making it easy.

Historically, mailers had to buy expensive software packages to get their job done. In addition to the software investment, they had to hire and train people, and buy and maintain the hardware used to run the non-user-friendly software.

We’ve taken the pain out of mailing. Cliff’s easy-to-use WebApp interface makes it easy for mailers to create mailing jobs, and manage permits and postal paperwork.

What’s even cooler, is that mailers can automate their workflow with Enterprise.

The features that mailers need.

Cliff™ lives securely in the cloud, there’s no new software or hardware for you to buy and maintain
CASS, NCOA, Data Hygiene
USPA Pave (Gold) Certified Presort Processing
Full-Service Intelligent Mail Barcode
Permit and PAF form management